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Zhao Yifei
Source:   Date: 2019-05-20   Visits:

ZHAO Yifei, PhD, Assistant Professor, Masters Advisor


Educational Background

  • PhD in Journalism, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2017.09 – 2021.06)

  • Master’s in Journalism, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2013.09 – 2015.06)

  • Bachelor’s in Journalism, South-Central University for Nationalities (2009.09 – 2013.06)

  • Dual Degree in Business English, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (2011.03 – 2013.06)

Work Experience

  • Yangtze River Daily Newspaper Group (2016.07 – 2017.07)

Courses Taught

  • Critical Communication Studies

  • Media Theory Research and Frontiers

Research Projects

  • "Reconstructing the Standards of News Value in the Digital Era Based on Consensus Building" (23YJC860039), Youth Foundation Project of the Ministry of Education, Principal Investigator, ongoing, 2023-2025.

  • "Research on the Mechanism of Generation and Evolution of Regional Online Public Opinion in Shaanxi and Its Control Strategies" (2023M010), Shaanxi Social Science Fund,Principal Investigator, ongoing, 2023-2025.

  • "News Value in the Digital Era from the Perspective of Multiple Actors" (2022M722549), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Principal Investigator, ongoing, 2022-2024.

  • "Differentiation and Integration of the Social Construction of News Value in the Digital Era" (SK2023033), Central University Basic Scientific Research Fund, Principal Investigator, ongoing, 2023-2024.

  • "The Impact of Social Mentality on Online Ideology and Policy Responses in the Post-Pandemic Era" (WL01012), Special Project of Shaanxi Institute for Network Ideology Security, Principal Investigator, completed, 2023.

  • "'China-Central Asia' Communication Special Project" (WL03012), Special Project of Shaanxi Institute for Network Ideology Security, Principal Investigator, completed, 2023.

  • "Creating the Best Image: The Self-Construction of the International Image of Chinese Youth Volunteers," Shaanxi Social Science Excellence Library Publication Support Project, Principal Investigator, published, 2022.

  • "Research on the Communication Power of Marxist Ideological Discourse in the All-Media Era" (2022LJRC01), National Social Science Fund, Participant, 2022.

  • "Research on the Party Media's Communication Practice and Social Integration Mechanism in the Media Convergence Environment" (22CXW014), National Social Science Fund Youth Project, Participant (ranked first), 2022.


  • Pathways of Image Communication: Cross-Cultural Communication and Self-Advancement of the Youth, Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press, 2024. (Sole Author)

Published Papers

  • "Reflection and Prospect of News Value Research in the Digital Era", Journalist, 2023(11). (First Author, CSSCI)

  • "Theoretical Application, Theme Focus, and Method Selection in Publishing Studies under the Context of Deep Convergence—A Bibliometric Analysis of Nine CSSCI Journals", Publishing & Printing, 2024(3). (First Author)

  • "Pathways for Integrating Emotional Care into News Reporting in the Digital Era—From the Perspective of Care Ethics", Young Journalist, 2022(23). (First Author, Core Chinese Journals)

  • "Reflection and Prospect of News Value Research in the Digital Era", Digest of Social Sciences, 2024(4). (First Author)

  • "How is a 'Pay-to-Intern' Possible? Consent Construction and 'Ideal Game' in the Labor Process of Journalism Interns", Journalism & Communication, 2020(4). (Second Author/Supervisor First, CSSCI, A-level Authoritative)

  • "Same Choice, Different Journeys: Research on Career Identity of Former Journalists under Life Course Theory", Journalist, 2020(1). (Second Author/Supervisor First, CSSCI)

  • "Information Sharing and Privacy Protection in the Digital Media Era", China Publishing, 2020(12). (Second Author, Supervisor First, CSSCI)

  • "An Evaluation of Media Ethics in African Countries", Global Media Journal, 2018, 5(2). (Second Author/Supervisor First, CSSCI)

  • "Privacy Disclosure Issues and Ethical Principles in Social Media—From the Perspective of Interpersonal Communication", Young Journalist, 2018(28). (Second Author/Supervisor First, Core Chinese Journals)

  • "Book Review: Perfect: Feeling Judged on Social Media", Global Media and China, 2024 (0). (Sole Author, ESCI)

  • "Ethical Disputes over Freebies and Gifts in Journalism Practice: An Analysis of 133 Media Ethics Codes", Studies in Social Science & Humanities, 2024(7). (First Author)


  • The paper "How is a 'Pay-to-Intern' Possible? Consent Construction and 'Ideal Game' in the Labor Process of Journalism Interns" was awarded the 2022 Wuhan 18th Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award.



School of Journalism and New Media, Xi'an Jiaotong University

Address: No.28 at Xianning West Road of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China.

Zip code: 710049, Tel: 86-029-8266 3896, Email: xwcb@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
